Creekside Gardens of Bill and Chris Schardein Meeting place on Friday.

Friday June 28, 2024
All Activities on Friday are at Bill and Chris Garden
located at; 9701 Fern Creek Road Louisville KY 40291
A Boutique and club plant sale will be open all day

11am Garden Judges Workshop II (in the garden)
11am Exhibition Judges Clinic II
2pm Garden Judges Workshop I
2pm Exhibition Judges Clinic I
2pm Schardein’s Creekside Gardens open for touring
4pm REGISTRATION OPENS Garden address provided
6pm Dessert Bar Reception and Welcome to the Region 10 Summer Meeting
7pm Registration closes – Anyone not able to attend the Friday event can request Tour Garden
Addresses in advance or on website

Creekside Gardens
Bill & Chris Schardein
Louisville Kentucky
In 1989, Bill and I ran across a flower show in progress at a local Mall. Bill was amazed at the number of flowers and variety of colors. After talking with some of the members, he was told of their next meeting date. He attended, won “Strutter’s Ball” in the doorprize drawing and that was that! He was hooked!
We quickly outgrew space for more daylily beds in our small subdivision lot so Bill went out to find a new place with acreage. We moved into our present home, with almost two and a half acres in October of 1996. Today we have over 800 cultivars (after thinning some back in the past two years) in about twenty separate settings scattered in the front, sides and back yard.
Since becoming an AHS National Display Garden in 2000, we have collected doubles, spiders, unusual forms and many differing types of cultivars to pique your interest as you wander through the garden beds.
We have a creek meandering through the front yard with various hosta, iris, ferns, bushes, annuals, perennials and a new crepe myrtle I just added last year. Terraced walls are filled with more daylilies, cleome, purple basil, liriope and touch-me-nots that continue showing their color long after the daylily blooms fade away at the end of the season.
In the back of the house, we have a 4000 gallon Koi pond with lotus plants and pond lilies that give shade to the fifty or so koi who will greet you with open mouths wanting you to feed them! You will find more tree shade as you walk over the newest bed of hosta plants with pathways leading to more gardens in the back. Continue to look around and you will be sure to find whimsical faces on trees, bird houses and other yard art that dresses up our beds!
With all of this, we hope you will enjoy your stroll around our little piece of heaven!

Chris and Bill


Contact Info

Daylily Society of Louisville
Michael Stephens

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