Linda Luck and Ray Clark
Luck-y-Ray Daylily Gardens
Linda already had the first symptoms of Daylily Fever when she and Ray married in 2007, but Ray soon caught it as well. A few years later, while buying daylilies from a local grower and club member, they learned about the Louisville Area Daylily Society and immediately joined. Their small-ish residential yard held beds with about 300 daylilies, but in 2014 they decided they had taken out about all of the grass they reasonably could, so found a home still in Louisville with 5 ½ acres of land. They moved 200 daylily plants and began to carve beds out of the lawn. They currently have over 900 cultivars spread out in 10 beds, as well as a variety of other perennials including hostas, peonies and iris. A number of pieces of garden art have been collected since they moved to this location, and it is on display throughout the beds. Linda is not ashamed to acknowledge that she is a prime example of a plant addict, but her problem isn’t finding room for yet one more, it’s finding the time to take care of all of them!