Wolff’s Daylilies of Don and Claudia Wolff

Wolff’s Daylilies

We bought our first daylily in 1993 after seeing a DSL Show at a local mall. We joined the club within a year or two and quickly got hooked on daylilies. We currently have 300-350 registered daylilies at any given time. We also have at least that many or more seedlings growing on our residential size lot. All of the daylilies are planted in 11 beds in the back yard, side yards and front yard. Even though our main love is for daylilies we also love peonies, iris, hosta, calalilies and other perennials and have them in 3 of these beds. We also have a lot of yard art scattered around in various locations.

Since Don hybridizes and has 36 introductions to date you should see many of them blooming in three different beds. One bed that we call our memorial bed has 17 introductions named for relatives and friends that have passed away. We are limited in space and seedlings can be seen around the outer edge of several beds and well as 1 large bed that holds those that are being more carefully evaluated.


Contact Info

Daylily Society of Louisville
Michael Stephens

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